
艺术营讲师阵容(四):LOH KIN SUN

Loh Kin Sun – International Illustrator (DC Comics’ Batman)

In the US, Kin Sun is known as the penciller who draws for DC Comics’ Batman; in Hong Kong, he is the illustrator for Mah Wing Shing’s comics Storm Rider (Pedang Setiawan); in Malaysia, he is praised by magazines and The Star newspaper as one of Asia’s biggest breakthroughs in the international art and comics scene. He has also involved in many creative industry projects such as the 1998 World Commonwealth Games illustrated poster, World Cup Golf Tournament commissioned art for Tiger Woods, as well as illustration for international agency.

罗建山国际插画家(美国DC Comics之《蝙蝠侠》)

在美国,建山是一位知名DC Comics《蝙蝠侠》的漫画执笔人;在香港,他为马荣成的知名漫画《风云》执笔;在大马,他被杂志媒体及英文《星报》喻为亚洲在国际艺术及漫画领域里其中一个最大的突破。他也曾参与多项创意企划案,如:为1998年世界共和联邦运动会设计宣传海报、以插画方式为世界高尔夫球赛展现老虎伍兹的球赛英姿,同时也为国际广告公司作画。
